
Insecure IPMI Implementation

Table of Contents Option 1: Disable the IPMI Service Option 2: Implement a Strong Password Option 3: Implement a Strong Password Policy Option 4: Implement a Configuration Management Policy This weakness is the result of a flaw in the protocol design. As a result,...

Weak or Default Credentials – SSH

Table of Contents Option 1: Implement a Strong Password Policy Option 2: Implement a Configuration Management Policy Option 1: Implement a Strong Password Policy Change the credential’s password and ensure a strong password policy is in place and users are properly...

Weak or Default Credentials – Cracked Credentials

Table of Contents Option 1: Implement a Strong Password Policy Option 2: Implement a Configuration Management Process Option 1: Implement a Strong Password Policy Change the credential’s password and ensure a strong password policy is in place and users are properly...

Weak NFS Export Permissions

Table of Contents Option 1: Disable the NFS Service Option 2: Restrict Access to the NFS Service Option 1: Disable the NFS Service Debian/Ubuntu From within a terminal: sudo service nfs-kernel-server stop sudo apt-get –purge remove nfs-kernel-server nfs-common...

Weak or Default Credentials – SNMP

Table of Contents Option 1: Disable the SNMP Service Option 2: Update the Community String to a Strong Password Option 1: Disable the SNMP Service If the service is not in use, the best mitigation is to disable it. With a wide variety of devices possible running the...