
Unveiling Strategic Defense for Your Supply Chain: Learn about emerging supply chain threats, innovative solutions in supplier security, and how NodeZero™ can transform your approach to cybersecurity.

NodeZero UI

Continuously Find, Fix, and Verify Your Exploitable Attack Surface

The NodeZeroTM autonomous penetration testing platform empowers you to reduce your security risk and continuously improve your security postures.

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Continuous Penetration Testing, At Any Scale

The NodeZero Platform

NodeZero is easy-to-use, safe for production, and scales to support your largest networks. You are empowered to test a very broad scope in a single test, orchestrate tests concurrently, and simultaneously test your enterprise from different attacker perspectives.

Exploitable CVEs

Tool Validation

Compromised Credentials

Asset Discovery

Misconfigurations and Dangerous Defaults

Ineffective Policies

Don’t just take our word for it

"NodeZero has given our organisation the ability to conduct penetration testing in a reliable, repeatable, affordable manner."

Senior IT Security and Risk Specialist


"My overall experience has been very positive, from the deployment of the NodeZero to conducting the operation to interpreting the results."

IT Security and Risk Management


"This product is in a unique and growing space and stands out strong beyond all others. The utility of this system can substantially increase your security posture."

– IT Services


"The setup and deployment of this product is pretty straightforward and easy to do. You can have this up and running in a very short amount of time and finding vulnerabilities in your environment before someone else does and shuts you down."



"Great product, that is simple and easy to use. Truly great support and team behind the scenes as well."



"Ease of setup. Linux box with docker, then access to the portal. Not hard at all for any busy professional."



"I have been in IT/Security since 1997 and over the years I have seen multiple penetration testing tools. Node0 by far is the best pen-test tool I have used. The experience and technical ability that Horizon3 brings to the table is outstanding."

IT Security and Risk Management


"Our initial trial was so impressive, we committed to a year contract to leverage this product to improve our security stance. After paying for an external pen test and being able to compare the results of both, this product was superior in many ways."



"Overall, the product is great! Would like to see some more API expanded capabilities (i.e. pulling additional CSV reports from the engagement - same as what is currently available in the portal)."

IT Security and Risk Management


"This helps elevate my team and takes away some of the most time-consuming tasks and automates them. Can't ask for much more."

IT Security and Risk Management


"This has really enlightened us on where we need to improve on the infrastructure of our business."



"The software was remotely fully installed and operational within 15 minutes "



"The kill chain that Horizon3 presents is great for being able to show the C-suite and talking them through WHY they should spend money to fix something."



"We can now run our required internal penetration testing without a dedicated resource."

Director of IT, Provider


"It is a very powerful, well thought out pentest tool that can be used as often as needed."

Systems Engineer, Provider


"Excellent Product."

Senior Cybersecurity Engineer, IT Service Industry


"The technology is solid and easy to set up and use."

Director of IT, Construction Industry


"NodeZero should be part of all enterprises' security fabric."

COO, IT Services Industry


We are rated 4.7 on

Play offense. Inform defense.

How does NodeZero Do it?

Isometric Laptop Right-Facing NodeZero Summary UI

In an internal pentest, the NodeZero platform takes the perspective of an attacker or malicious insider who has already gained access to your internal network.

Isometric illustration of servers

In an external pentest, the NodeZero platform takes the perspective of an attacker to assess your assets and digital risk at the perimeter. Don’t miss a single blind spot.

Isometric Laptop Right-Facing NodeZero Summary UI

NodeZero's AD Password Audit quickly identifies risky passwords in your Active Directory environment, providing prioritized guidance for mitigation, including proof of cracked passwords and blast radius impact analysis.

Isometric Laptop Right-Facing NodeZero Summary UI

NodeZero's Phishing Impact Testing feature provides comprehensive insights into the true impact of phishing attacks on an organization.

Isometric Laptop Right-Facing NodeZero Summary UI

NodeZero's Rapid Response service offers users early intelligence on emerging cyber threats, enabling swift identification, verification, and mitigation of N-day and zero-day vulnerabilities before they become widely exploited.

Recognized By

Stay Ahead, with NodeZero's Rapid CVE Response

NodeZero maintains a comprehensive database of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), including a dedicated Rapid Response service for critical vulnerabilities not yet listed in the CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog.

This proactive approach ensures that organizations can remediate vulnerabilities before they are widely recognized and exploited in the wild.

Ensure Your Security Tools Truly Stop Threats

NodeZero validates the efficacy of your existing security tools to ensure they're truly stopping threats. This includes things like testing if your EDR effetively blocks unauthorized access and if your DLP prevents sensitive data exfiltration.

Expose Risks with Compromised Credentials Analysis

NodeZero utilizes methods like MITM attacks, credential cracking, and password spraying to reveal harvested credentials, offering organizations insights into compromised credentials' risks and prompting stronger access controls and credential management policies.

Secure Legacy Assets and Third-Party Integrations

NodeZero assesses the attack surface of legacy assets and potential vulnerabilities introduced through third-party integrations or mergers and acquisitions.

Catch Misconfigurations and Dangerous Defaults Before They Catch You

Many organizations suffer from misconfigurations and the use of dangerous default settings in enterprise software services.

NodeZero identifies such vulnerabilities, including misconfigured Java Management Extensions (JMX) services, DevOps tools, and instances of credential reuse across systems, facilitating their timely correction.

Enforce Policies to Mitigate Risks

Weak password policies that lead to credential reuse or easy cracking are common in many organizations.

NodeZero’s testing framework includes the assessment of password policies to highlight the risks of ineffective policy enforcement and recommend stronger, more secure practices.