
    • Proven successful security model vs old industry standard

      February 11, 2022 | Blogs

      Which is more valuable to you; the ability to identify a problem, or the ability to solve the problem? There…
    • Credential Misconfigurations - Abstract cubes that don't fit together properly.

      October 25, 2021 | Blogs

      Are your credential policies implemented right? Are your enterprise accounts configured correctly? How do you know? Most phishing, ransomware, and…
    • Emoji making a surprised face

      July 29, 2021 | Blogs

      Being a #learnitall, Lesson 1: Be Open to Be Wow’d Most of the startup advice out there is pretty clear: get…
    • Tree reflecting off a pool of water in a nightime landscape

      February 23, 2021 | Blogs

      I'm sharing this because I believe it is relevant to ongoing decisions in this community. I'm in a senior leader…
    • Purple board game piece between a line of blue pieces and a line of red pieces

      February 23, 2021 | Blogs

      Purple teaming is the result of collaboration, communication and sharing of information between a red team and a blue team…